Category Archives: Cat

Tips for Boating With Rover (or Kitty)

From  Doggie

Two-legged sailors are definitely in the majority, but the four-legged (or more) variety shouldn’t be forgotten.

I’m talking about boating with pets of course. For those that share a passion for both boating and being a pet owner, it would be unthinkable to try to separate the two. So here are a few thoughts on how to make both Rover and Rover’s owner happy boaters.

* Pets aren’t totally different from owners, in that we both like being surrounded by familiar and favorite items. So, bring a few of your pet’s favorite toys, sleeping gear, and food to the boat. Be sure to establish a special place on the boat that belongs to your pet, to help them feel as if they belong.

* Set up a safe area outside of the boat where your pet can go when they don’t need to be on the boat, or if the water is a bit rough and they would feel more comfortable being off the boat.

* A small shelf for your pet’s food dish is a good idea. Elevate it a little off the cabin floor to avoid stubbed toes, and place a lid around the edge to keep the food where it belongs.

* If your cat’s a little clumsy, and there’s a chance she could go overboard, she’ll need a way to help her get back into the boat. Hanging a piece of carpet over the side should give them something to claw into and climb back on board.

* If your puppy is getting a little odorous on that extended cruise, there are a couple of ways to clean him up. A dingy full of rain water makes a great impromptu bathing tub. Waterless shampoo, grooming powder, or even baking soda sprinkled over their fur and brushed in, will make do when the rainy season has passed you by.

* Pet toileting while boating provides some interesting challenges. Cats with a litter box have a definite advantage over dogs in this category. Just make sure the litter box gets a very frequent cleaning. Apparently some smaller dogs can be trained to use a litter box. That’s got to be kinda funny to see. One rather creative boater suggested using a doormat sized piece of that fake plastic grass for your dog. Simply rinse overboard after use. If all this fails, of course there’s always the “pee dingy express” for a quick ride to shore.

Bring Your Boat and Your Pets On Board Zenergo!

One great thing about, the Web site that acts as your social activities manager, is that you can do so many things with it, all in one place.

Boat lovers and pet partners alike can track their activities on the Zenergo Calendar, post pictures and documents, and chat with fellow enthusiasts. You can find others who share your passion for the water — and find those specifically who want to bring their pets on board. Find groups for sailors, or for pet owners, or for the combination — or start your own group — it’s easy. Use the Events feature to invite people over, or to join others. Everything is in one spot on Zenergo — and everything can be specified in as much detail as you need. Here’s an example of the Boating interests checklist on Zenergo:

You can be really specific, or keep it wide open, it’s your choice.

Likewise, here is the interests checklist for the Pets Activity:

Zgo Blog-Pets Interest page

We have 300+ such activities covering everything from hobbies to crafts, sports of every kind to social activities from poker to winetasting and beer appreciation — from travel to community service, parenting and painting. Find activity partners, groups, and events, or just keep your own social activity life under control, with Zenergo.

Go to Zenergo and give it a try! It’s free and easy to sign up — look around, try a few activities, enjoy!

Have you taken your pet on board? How has it worked out? share in ‘comments’.

Help Your Kitty Adjust to Life as an Indoor Cat

It’s a common belief that cats should be outdoors. Nothing could be further from the truth. Outdoor cats are exposed to threats of all types, including being hit by cars, attacked by other animals, ingesting poison such as antifreeze, and even attacks by people. They are also exposed to diseases and parasites.

Outdoor cats live only a few years, compared to indoor cats which can easily live a contented, full life into their teens. Many indoor cats even live into their twenties!

There are few things more distressing than listening to a well-meaning cat owner whose has just lost their beloved pet (run over by a car, killed by another animal or person). They let their cat outside because the cat “really wanted to go” and they “didn’t have the heart to keep them inside”.

… But you’re not doing your cat a favour by letting him or her outside. They will be much safer and happier indoors.

Help Your Cat Adjust to Being Indoors By …

  • Purchasing toys and catnip. This will help to distract your feline from the lure of the outdoors. Play with your cat and make indoors seem like a happy place. He may cry to go out, but do not give in.
  • Get a litter box, if you don’t already have one. Outdoor cats may be used to digging in the dirt to do their business. Help your cat by gathering some dirt or sand from your yard and putting a few inches in the litter box. Place the litter box in an easily accessible spot. Gradually mix the dirt with kitty litter. You eventually want to be using kitty litter only.
    Note: Be sure to clean the litter box daily. Cats are naturally clean creatures, and you want to encourage them to use the litter box. If it’s too dirty, your cat may decide to go elsewhere in the house (uh oh!).
  • Think about introducing a harness or outdoor enclosure. Cats can be quite content outside on a harness and a leash, basking in the sun. Do not use a collar; cats are clever little escape artists and may slip free. Outdoor enclosures that are closed on all sides as well as on top are another alternative. If you live in a remote area, you should keep an eye out for your cat as wild animals may attempt to break in.
  • Be alert! Your crafty cat may try to sneak by you whenever someone opens the door. Keep an eye out.
  • Make sure your cat has permanent identification. Hopefully you’ll never have to use their ID, but just in case, be sure your cat is wearing an ID tag (with the most up-to-date information on file), a tattoo, and/or a microchip.
  • Be patient! It can take a while for both you and your cat to adjust to his new indoor life. He may yowl at the door to go outside, but be firm.

It’s well worth the effort to reform an outdoor cat to the indoors. Your cat will lead a much safer, longer, and happier life with you.


Published with permission from Pawsperous, operated by, “A Community Website for Pet Lovers Around the World!”

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